View Point

September 2015
Revolutionizing industry

Alix Paultre, Editorial Director, PSD

Going through the throes of this latest wave of industrial revolution one sometimes feels like Charlie Chaplin in the factory scene from “Modern Times”. From the designer to the consumer, and at every stage in between, how we create, make, store, and distribute products is changing so quickly many of us ar
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Back to the cottage?

Alix Paultre, Editorial Director, PSD

Once upon a time, many skilled crafters worked from their homes. Their skill and profession was often protected by a guild, and their finished goods and devices were funneled to merchants and factors, who either sold them-as is or integrated them into larger products. Metalwork, fine cloth and lace, medical se
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No precision without feedback

Alix Paultre, Editorial Director, PSD

One of the most accurate ways to evaluate the level of advancement in a given technology is to simply measure its level of precision. This is a fair guide, as precision in tooling enables better physical performance and precision in electronic systems brings enhanced software and system operational capability. Si
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