Tech Talk

August 2024
New 65W USB-C Reference Design Keeps Its Cool

Dr Tim Moore, Chief Product Officer at Pulsiv

  The adoption of USB-C as a global charging standard is gathering pace, particularly in the EU where it has been made mandatory for many applications. Most manufacturers do not wish to make two separate designs for their products, so if they have any sales in Europe at all, it makes sense for them to
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­Driving GaN Switches Efficiently

Frederik Dostal, Subject Matter Expert, Power Management at Analog Devices

  GaN offers a lot of benefits to designers of power supplies. Possibly the most important two of those features are GaN’s higher efficiency, and its ability to switch faster, allowing smaller magnetics to be used and therefore enabling more compact designs. However, those pluses come with one signifi
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­4.5kW Data Center Power Supply Reference Design

Llew Vaughan-Edmunds, Senior Director, Corporate Marketing & Product Management, Navitas

  The biggest challenge for power designers at the moment is supplying energy to data centers. Operators are looking to put more processors on their PCBs, but keep the same space allocated for power. The new processors that are being installed are also much more power hungry than the ones that they are replaci
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