Tech Talk

May 2022
­ USB-C Charging Solution at 42 W/inch3

Infineon 240W USB-C charging hardware demonstrator

  Currently, USB connectivity is the most widely used standard for mobile consumer goods and that popularity will only increase in the near term. The European Union is currently working to pass laws that will mandate USB charging to almost all consumer goods in an effort to reduce waste and increase conv
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Neuromorphic AI Processing Uses 16X Less Energy

One of Intel’s Nahuku boards, each of which contains eight to 32 Intel Loihi neuromorphic chips

  The next big step forward in electronics will be the migration of artificial intelligence (AI) from the datacentre to the edge. As systems grow more complex, the size of the code required to calculate for every eventuality grows exponentially. Training the system to “think” for itself and make d
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Application Specific MOSFETs Modernize Airbag Design
Application specific ICs have been an important part of electronics for at least a few decades at this point. They are intended to provide the features necessary to implement the main components of a design at a low price point and known power budget for manufacturers who either don’t have the engineering talent
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Recycled Lithium Outperforms New Materials
­  One of the major problems with the transition to renewables is batteries. Over time, batteries deplete and lose their ability to hold a charge. This will have a huge impact in the future. Currently, we are in the first real generation of electric vehicles. In the coming decade, the majority of bat
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