The initial positions of the atoms in this computer model of a solid-oxide fuel cell were based on observations of the actual atomic configuration using electron microscopy. Simulations using this model revealed a previously unreported reaction (red path) in which an oxygen molecule from the yttria-stabilized zirconia layer (layer of red and light blue balls) moves through the bulk nickel layer (dark blue balls) before forming OH on the nickel surface.
The ML workflow consists of two different steps of prediction; the forward and backward predictions. The objective of the forward prediction is to create a set of prediction models that describe various polymeric properties (e.g., thermal conductivity, glass transition temperature) as a function of chemical structures in the constitutional repeat units.
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) has launched Galahad, an open source revolutionary user computer environment (UCE) for the Amazon Cloud. The software impedes the ability of adversaries to operate within the AWS by making it more difficult to co-locate (either through the use of insiders, compromised hypervisors, witting or unwitting peers, or remote access) with targets, while also requiring adversaries consume more resources.
These are SEM images of graphene domains growing. They showed that 2 seconds was enough for a domain to grow to ~400 μm and that ~1 mm domains were formed after 5 seconds. The statistical growth rate is more than three orders of magnitude faster than typical graphene growth and three times faster than the previous record realized with a continuous oxygen supply.
Fabrication procedures of "the nano-scale sculpture technique" by using a focused ion beam - electron beam (FIB-SEM) device. The upper series shows the schematic view of the fabrication by Ga ion beam. The images of (1) and (4) in the bottom series are the electron microscope (SEM) image corresponding to image (1) and image (4) in the upper series. The region shown by the yellow rectangle in image (4) is suitable for TEM observation.
Tobias Weinert, biochemist at PSI, with the experimental set-up for the 'excitation query' crystallography at the SLS: An injector produces a 50 micrometer (like a hair) thin stream of a toothpaste-like mass with the protein crystals grown in it. A small laser diode, comparable to a conventional laser pointer, is guided over mirrors and lenses and focused to the same point where the X-ray beam of the SLS hits (not in the picture). For the photo, the laser was made visible by liquid nitrogen. In the experiment, the laser is then activated for a short moment, followed by the X-rays for the molecular film.
An interdisciplinary research team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has succeeded in optimizing the size of platinum nanoparticles for fuel cell catalysis so that the new catalysts are twice as good as the currently best commercially available processes. The picture shows the first authors: Dr. Batyr Garlyyev, Kathrin Kratzl, and Marlon Rueck (f.l.t.r.).