The fabrication schematic diagram of FeCo-selenide//Fe2O3 asymmetric supercapacitor (ASC). The FeCo-selenide and Fe2O3 electrodes serve as positive and negative electrodes respectively that both show excellent electrochemical performance. In addition, the fabricated ASC was connected to form a series circuit to light the "CUMT" board, which can be viewed as a promising candidate for large scale hybrid devices applications.
At high temperatures, ceramics are susceptible to thermal-shock fractures caused by rapid temperature-changing events, such as cold water droplet contact with hot surfaces. In a novel interdisciplinary approach, engineers at the University of New Mexico report in AIP Advances the use of a cheap, simple, water-repelling coating to prevent thermal shock in ceramics. These are snapshots of hot surface and cold droplet interaction at 3 milliseconds at 300 degrees Celsius: (a) on as-received alumina ceramics and (b) on an engineered hydrophobic surface.
Characteristic features of the seedcoat of Portulaca oleracea , an annual succulent commonly known as verdolaga or purslane. A) Photograph of the P. oleracea flower, B) Photograph of the tiny black seeds from P.oleracea , C) SEM image of the P. oleracea seedcoat, D) a magnified area of the seedcoat of P.oleracea.