On March 15, representatives of the US Department of Energy, the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and Princeton University gathered in Nassau Hall on the University campus to sign contracts extending the lease and the primary contract. David McComas, second from right, vice president of PPPL and professor of astrophysical sciences, signed for the University, while Kim Tafe, far right, contracting officer for the DOE-Princeton business management office, signed for the Department of Energy. Also shown, from left: Curt Emmich with the Princeton Regional Chamber of Commerce; Lou Sadler, assistant chief counsel with DOE; Mike McCann, assistant chief counsel with DOE; Debbie Prentice, Princeton's provost; Kristin Muenzen, Office of the General Counsel, Princeton; Pete Johnson, DOE site office manager at PPPL; Chelle Reno, assistant vice president for operations at PPPL; Laura Troche with the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information; Brian Bozarth, a financial specialist with DOE-Princeton; Marla Larson Williams, a realty specialist with the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information.