Motor Drives, Robotics & Controls

April 2012
MCU with FPU allows advanced Motor Control Solutions

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Table 1: Test comparison for PI Loops

Motor control algorithms for efficient motors often employ vector and sensorless vector control involving complex transformations and control loops for speed and position. Industrial applications
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Setting New Efficiency Benchmarks for Next Generation Motor Control Applications

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Figure 1: AMIS-30522 Functional Block Diagram

Electric motors are continuing to evolve, as market requirements grow for more compact, higher performance solutions which exhibit greater resilience to the often harsh environmental settings in
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Sensors, Smart Sensors and Sensor Control Electronics

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Figure 1. Block Diagram of the ISL29028A ambient light and proximity sensor

For safety, accuracy and convenience, automation is providing improvements in everyday applications. Consider the precision and advantages of computer-assisted surgery or the array of automation
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Easy to use Digital PFC

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Figure 1: Different PFC circuits

Many AC powered systems above a certain power consumption level require power factor correction (PFC). This is demanded by either utility companies or by governments. PFC sits right at the
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Industrial Control

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Figure 1: Example PLD, with 12 inputs, 8 product terms and 4 macrocells
PLDs can have hundreds of macrocells with up to 16 product terms driving each macrocell. The AND and OR gates within the product terms can be interconnected to form highly flexible custom logic functions. The macrocells are typically clocked, and their outputs can be fed back into the product term array. This allows state machines to be created.

In most microcontroller architectures, there is a ‘smart' CPU surrounded by a set of relatively ‘dumb' peripherals. Peripherals have limited functions; converting data from one form to
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