Join us Sunday, March 17, 2013 for a Pre-APEC Golf Tournament

We would like to invite you to come join, Coilcraft, Mouser Electronics and Power Systems Design on Sunday, March 17, 2013 For A Pre-APEC Golf Tournament taking place at the Recreation Park Golf Course 18. All APEC attendees and exhibitors can sign up.* Singles and foursomes are welcome!


Recreation Park 18
5001 Deukmejian Drive
Long Beach, CA 90804


Sunday, March 17, 2013
11:30 AM - Registration/Lunch
1:00 PM - Modified shotgun start
6:00 PM - Cocktails (cash bar) with light dinner or hors d'ouevres and awards presentation


All APEC attendees & exhibitors*Singles are welcome, as well as foursomes


4-person scramble


Low Gross Teams 1st to 4th places, On Course events (Long Drive, Closest to Pin, etc.).


Recreation Park 18 is a spikeless golf course and participants are asked to wear golf shirts with collars, no denim jeans.


  • $100 per player includes green/cart fees, range balls, lunch & awards dinner.
  • Rental clubs are available for approx. $25 (to be paid individually at the golf course). Please indicate on the entry form if you will need to rent clubs.

Make checks payable to Coilcraft, Inc.
and mail to:
Coilcraft, Inc.
1102 Silver Lake Road
Cary, IL 60013
Attn: Allison LaGorio

Limited Sponsorship Opportunities Available

For sponsorship opportunities, please email Julia Stocks.


If you have any questions, please e-mail tournament coordinators Julia Stocks or Allison LaGorio

* Golf tournament and related activities are not affiliated with APEC, IEEE, PSMA or any related associations.
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