Ralph Lauren Vows to Switch to 100% Renewable Energy by 2025Date:
12/10/2019Tag: @RalphLauren #re100 #renewableenergy #greenenergy #psd Ralph Lauren Vows to Switch to 100% Renewable Energy by 2025Ralph Lauren is going green in a big way. The luxury apparel company is joining RE100, a group of businesses devoted to 100% renewable energy. Each of the RE100 signatories – which include heavyweights like 3M, Adobe, Apple, Coca Cola, ebay, and Facebook – has set their own timetable, but they’ve all made a commitment to sustainable power. Mega-conglomerates like McDonald’s and Amazon haven’t, as of yet, joined RE100, but they’ve made their own climate commitments. In Ralph Lauren’s case, the retailer has pledged to switch all their offices, distribution centers, and stores to renewable energy by 2025. They’ve also signed the UN Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action, which prioritizes raw materials with low-climate impact, and they’ve stepped a bit outside their lane by joining the “We Are Still In” coalition, which urges the U.S. to abide by the Paris Agreement. “A world that is beautiful and cared for is the ultimate luxury, and we have a role to play in protecting it by addressing our impacts and creating a more sustainable future” said Patrice Louvet, President & CEO, Ralph Lauren Corp. “Today, we strengthen our commitment to address climate change....” Read more here: https://www.environmentalleader.com/2019/12/ralph-lauren-commits-to-100-renewable-energy-by-2025-joins-re100/ |