German Court Rules That Cities Can Ban Diesel Vehicles

German Court Rules That Cities Can Ban Diesel Vehicles

File this under “things that would never fly on this side of the Atlantic” – the Federal Administrative Court in Germany has ruled that specific cities can ban diesel vehicles. Obviously, this doesn’t amount to a nationwide embargo, but it does allow for a gradual injunction, piece-by-piece.

As expected, the ruling was extremely divisive.

“It's a great day for clean air in Germany,” said Juergen Resch, head of the group Environmental Action Germany.

On the other hand, Hans Peter Wollseifer, president of the association of German tradesmen, lamented that “Driving bans have a massive impact on our ownership rights, on mobility and on our profession. The carmakers are to blame for the diesel problem, not us tradesmen.”

Diesel vehicles are generally more efficient than their gasoline counterparts, but the former has a greater problem with carbon emissions (not counting the proliferation of clean diesel).

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