Chomerics Europe, the specialist manufacturer of EMI shielding, thermal management and optical display filter products and materials has designated its facility in High Wycombe, UK as the primary development site for its broad and innovative range of heat management materials. For many years, the company's thermal management materials which include form-in-place and die-cut gap fillers, gels, phase change materials and insulator pads, have provided engineers with solutions to manage excessive heat in their product designs. The focus on the High Wycombe site with its comprehensive test and development facilities and engineering staff, with significant experience and expertise in this specialized field, will help drive the development and introduction of next generations of materials. "New materials are always needed to address the evolving and increasingly complex thermal challenges presented by electronics equipment design," commented David Beresford, Marketing and Technology Manager, Parker Chomerics Division Europe. "As circuit designs continue to shrink and more products are developed to be portable, thermal issues can be less straightforward to solve. Utilising the facilities and expertise at our High Wycombe location and working closely with our customers will enable Chomerics to continue to be able to tackle and solve heat management problems in a broad range of applications and market sectors." The designation of High Wycombe as a focal point for thermal management activities fits well with the specialisation of the company's Grantham location in optical display filter solutions. Shielded windows produced at this site are required to provide crucial EMI protection and help ensure compliance with EMC regulations in a wide range of equipment. Chomerics