TTI, Inc. Announces Sponsorship of Annual ERA Conference



Fort Worth, Texas – TTI, Inc., is proud to announce the TTI Family of Companies sponsorship at the Patron Level for the upcoming 2020 ERA Conference to be held in Austin, Texas, February 23-25, 2020, at the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center.

The TTI Family of Companies is honored to be sponsoring and taking part in the 51st ERA Conference. Collectively, the TTI FOCs recognize the value and outstanding opportunity the conference presents across the board for reps, manufacturers, and distributors to participate in this important educational and networking event.

Greg Pace, ERA Conference Sponsorships Committee Co-Chair and President, Ohmite Manufacturing Company, said, “On behalf of the ERA Conference Committee, I would like to extend our thanks to the TTI Family of Companies who is a long-time conference sponsor and has yet again generously joined our roster of prestigious sponsors at the highest Patron Level.”

 For more information about TTI, visit