Toshiba Electronics Europe has announced a new series of Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) aimed at high-speed switching applications in the 500mA to 1000mA current range. These new devices use a next generation process for improved forward voltage and reverse current performance, which results in lower losses. This makes them ideal for use in a variety of applications that are extremely sensitive to energy efficiency. Major application areas are DC-DC conversion or backflow protection in battery charger circuits. This new class of SBDs is designed for maximum reverse voltages of 30V and offers typical leakage currents as low as 5μA. Depending on the maximum current rating of the SBDs the typical forward voltages range from 0.38V (@IF=500mA) up to 0.43V (@IF=1000mA) and the typical diode capacitances range from 120pF for the 500mA type to 170pF for the 1000mA. As a result these SBDs can significantly reduce power loss in charger circuits or DC-DC converters that are commonly used in battery-powered applications. The new series comprises the CUSxxF30 family in an SOD323 package featuring three different maximum current ratings. Designers can choose from a 500mA (xx=05), 800mA (xx=08) and 1000mA (xx=10) versions. In addition the 500mA solution is also available as CBS05F30 - an extremely compact LGA type (CST2B) package. This CST2B package has a footprint of only 1.2mm x 0.8mm and a maximum height of 0.4mm, making it an ideal solution for designs where board space is limited.