Switch Addresses the Globally Evolving Wireless Standards in 5G New Radio Sub-6 GHz RF Network Applications



Switch Addresses the Globally Evolving Wireless Standards in 5G New Radio Sub-6 GHz RF Network Applications

­Menlo Microsystems, Inc. (Menlo Micro) announces a product specifications update for the MM5140 DC-to-8 GHz SP4T switch. This product is positioned to address the globally evolving wireless standards in 5G New Radio (NR) sub-6 GHz RF network applications and emerging broadband wireless applications up to 8 GHz, which includes the ever-growing O-RAN frequency bands.

Built on Menlo Micro’s market-proven Ideal Switch technology, the MM5140 continues to offer +90dBm IP3 linearity, 25W CW RF power handling, ultra-low insertion loss, integrated charge pump with SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) and GPIO (General Purpose Input Output) interface control, and 3 billion cycles reliability, all in a 5.2 mm x 4.2 mm LGA package.

“Global and emerging wireless network equipment and component designers are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to design for state-of-the-art performances while delivering economies at scale and cost,” said Chris Giovanniello, Co-founder, and Senior VP of Marketing at Menlo Micro. “The MM5140’s specifications enable designers to meet their product and testing performance needs with efficient design, while creating better OPEX and a rapid time-to-market.”

Reliability: The SP4T switch provides unmatched reliability and can operate with more than three billion switching cycles, resulting in reduced downtime, maintenance and cost and a significantly longer lifetime when compared to conventional electro-mechanical relays (EMRs).

Compact design: The MM5140’s small-footprint/low-profile design features a custom-designed, built-in high-voltage charge pump/driver circuit integrated into a miniature 5.2 mm x 4.2 mm LGA package, eliminating the need for external components, simplifying customer layouts, and reducing BOM cost.

Power efficiency: The SP4T switch operates at less than 15 mW, reducing power consumption when compared to EMRs, making them the most energy efficient broadband SP4T switches available.

Leading IP3 linearity: The MM5140 features best-in-class IP3 linearity of +90 dBm, enabling significant reductions in distortion, which is critical for applications such as beam-steering antennas used in 5G network infrastructure. IP3 is a figure of merit in determining how much distortion a switch will introduce into a system, impacting the quality of transmitted or received signals.

For more information, go here.