Strategic mineral experts gather in Toronto at Metals Summit to address renewable energy


Strategic mineral experts gather in Toronto at Metals Summit to address renewable energy

ProEdgeWire, providing investor intelligence for the resource sector, recently announced the 2nd Annual Technology Metals Summit -- Renewable Energy: the next industrial revolution, on April 21-22, 2013 at the Sheraton Centre Hotel in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Tracy Weslosky, Publisher of ProEdgeWire comments: "Committed to a better understanding of rare earths and critical minerals, the Technology Metals Summit is designed to bring together industry leaders, accredited investors and senior government officials to discuss and debate the complex challenges facing this sector." "I think the next industrial revolution is going to be on renewables," said Ron MacDonald, Executive Chairman and Director for American Vanadium Corp., Critical Elements Corporation and Canada Strategic Metals Inc. This interview comment combined with ProEdgeWire's ongoing coverage of the US' renewable energy policy and self-sustainability for critical minerals including tantalum, lithium, graphite and vanadium was the catalyst for the selection of this year's theme -- Renewable Energy: the next industrial revolution. The Technology Metals Summit will feature debates on compelling industry topics that range from the state of the art in rare earth separation and purification chemistry to environmental and renewable energy policies. Integrated throughout the 2-day event, the Technology Metals Summit will feature twenty presentations from companies focused on rare earths, graphite and critical minerals such as beryllium, vanadium and tantalum. "The Technology Metals Summit brings today's most relevant producers and consumers of rare earth materials together under one roof. In today's turbulent market, you'll find no better forum for gaining vital market intelligence." -- Ed Richardson, President, United States Magnetic Materials Association (USMMA) Technology Metals Summit 2013: Speakers, Moderators & Panelists in Alphabetical Order -- Chris Berry, President and Founder -- House Mountain Partners -- Dr. Michael Berry, PhD -- Discovery Investing -- Alessandro Bruno, Sr. Editor -- ProEdgeWire -- Donald M. Burton, MSC., P.GEO., President -- Namibia Rare Earths -- Peter J. Cashin, MSc., P. Geo., President and CEO -- Quest Rare Minerals Ltd. -- Ian Chalmers, MSc, FAusIMM, FAIG, FIMMM, FSEG, MSGA, MGSA, FAICD, Technical and Managing Director -- Alkane Resources Ltd. -- Steve Constantinides, Director of Technology -- Arnold Magnetic Technologies Corp. -- Clint Cox, Founder -- The Anchor House, Inc. -- Peter C. Dent, VP Business Development -- Electron Energy Corporation Dr. Luc Duchesne, Research Scientist & Author -- Gary Economo, President, CEO and Director -- Focus Graphite Corp. -- Aubrey J. Eveleigh, P.Geo., President, CEO & Director -- Zenyatta Ventures Ltd. -- Jeff Green, Founder & President, J.A. Green & Company -- Dr. Richard Hammen, President -- IntelliMet LLC. -- Gareth Hatch, Founding Principal -- Technology Metals Research, LLC. -- James Hedrick, President, Hedrick Consultants Inc. & Sr. Editor, -- Ben Johnson, Founder & President -- First Securities Northwest -- James Kenny, M.B.S. (Finance), Director and CEO -- Frontier Rare Earths Limited -- Byron King, Editor, Outstanding Investments and Energy & Scarcity Investor -- Agora Financial -- Alain Leveque, PhD -- Rhodia (Solvay Group) -- Marc LeVier, B.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering, M.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering, President and Chief Executive Officer, Director -- Great Western Minerals Group Ltd. -- Jack Lifton, Founding Principal -- Technology Metals Research, LLC. -- Ron MacDonald, Executive Chairman and Director -- American Vanadium Corp., Canada Strategic Metals Inc. and Critical Elements Corporation -- Eric Margolis, Award-winning, Internationally Syndicated Columnist -- James McKenzie, B. Comm. Finance, President, CEO and Director -- Ucore Rare Metals Inc. -- Alastair Neill, P.Eng., MBA, Director -- Trinity Management Ltd., DACHA Strategic Metals Inc., Mason Graphite Corp. -- Scott Remborg, Founder -- Sympatico -- Ed Richardson, President -- United States Magnetic Materials Association (USMMA) -- Randall J. Scott, President, CEO and Director -- Rare Element Resources Ltd. -- Dave Trueman, Ph.D. P.Geo -- John C. Tumazos, CFA, Chairman --- Texas Rare Earth Corp. -- Tracy Weslosky, Publisher -- ProEdgeWire The 2nd Annual Technology Metals Summit -- Renewable Energy: the next industrial revolution will be held on April 21-22, 2013 (Sunday-Monday) at the Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, 123 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Delegates receive a special discounted rate at the Sheraton). The best attended event in North America for the rare earths and strategic minerals sector with over 100+ companies from 12 countries participating in 2012. Technology Metals Summit 2013