Are you interested in applying for a SunShot Initiative competitive award? Do you have questions about SunShot’s upcoming funding opportunities and priority focus areas? Learn all this and more at the SunShot Grand Challenge Summit in Anaheim, CA, May 19-22. Reserve your spot now.
At the Summit you’ll interact with SunShot awardees and learn more about SunShot's nearly $900 million in investment over the last three years. SunShot staff will provide and in-depth look at how new funding opportunities are born and SunShot's five subprogram areas: photovoltaics and concentrating solar power research and development, systems integration, technology-to-market, and soft costs.
Program additions:
Grand Challenge Breakout Sessions – Full topic lineup now available.
Technology Forum exhibitors –Tech Forum features and exhibitor list now available.
Women in Solar breakfast – Join SunShot for a breakfast networking event for the opportunity to meet women leaders who are advancing the solar energy industry. Our featured guest speaker will be ARPA-E (Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy) director Dr. Cheryl Martin. Stay tuned for registration information.
May 19 is just around the corner! Register today for the SunShot Grand Challenge Summit and make sure you don’t miss out on being a part of the national dialogue about our solar energy future.