SEE Action releases new industrial energy efficiency publication



Industrial Energy Efficiency: Designing Effective State Programs for the Industrial SectorPDF provides state regulators, utilities, and other program administrators with an overview of U.S. industrial energy efficiency programs delivered by a variety of entities. The report assesses some of the key features of programs that have helped lead to success in generating increased energy savings and identifies new emerging directions in programs that might benefit from additional research and cross-discussion to promote adoption.

Industry is a key energy-using sector in the United States and accounted for about one-third of the nation's total primary energy consumption in 2012. In addition, the potential cost-effective energy savings in U.S industry is large—amounting to approximately 6,420 trillion British thermal units of primary energy (including combined heat and power), according to a comprehensive 2009 analysis by McKinsey & Company.

The guide was developed by SEE Action's Industrial Energy Efficiency and Combined Heat and Power Working Group.

SEE Action Efficiency Report