Securing clean energy for Anna Jaques Hospital


Plummeting energy consumption draws congratulations

The new Zampell Power Plant boilers

In late August 2012, Anna Jaques Hospital's energy consumption plummeted suddenly, prompting its energy supplier to call the hospital to see what was wrong. Concern turned to congratulations when the officials realized the drop in energy use was due to the switch-over to the hospital's new $8 million energy-efficient power plant and other new efficient systems. The Zampell Power Plant, named in recognition of the financial support of Christine and James Zampell, will reduce the hospital's energy use by 15% and its carbon footprint. "That phone conversation solidified for us all the impact the Zampell Power Plant will have on our future," said Delia O'Connor, Anna Jaques Hospital president. "Becoming more energy efficient helps contain the cost of operating a hospital. It is also the right thing to do for the environment." Delia O'Connor credits the support of National Grid and State Representative, Michael A Costello, whose combined efforts helped bring clean energy to Anna Jaques Hospital, along with $235,000 in rebates. The purchase of energy-efficient boilers, chillers, automated systems, and lighting qualified Anna Jaques for rebates from National Grid under the company's energy initiatives and incentives program. "We are so appreciative of the assistance the hospital has received from Representative Mike Costello and National Grid's representatives Steve Szczechura and Fred Paine to promote a clean-energy future for Anna Jaques," said O'Connor. "The $235,000 in rebate funds received by Anna Jaques to help offset the cost of the new Zampell Power Plant and other upgrades is another outstanding example of local businesses, government and non-profits working together to make great things happen for our community," said Representative Costello. "When we passed the Clean Energy Act of 2008, it was landmark legislation with a vision for a future with low-cost, clean energy alternatives in the Commonwealth. This project at Anna Jaques is evidence of that goal being realized." "National Grid has an important role not only in providing service to our customers, but in acting as stewards of the environment. This means helping our customers and the communities we serve become more efficient with their energy use, which is exactly what the Anna Jaques Hospital has accomplished," said Marcy Reed, president, National Grid, MA. "Their efforts will have an important impact not only on the hospital but also for the greater Newburyport area, and we applaud their dedication to becoming more energy efficient and more sustainable in their day-to-day operations."