RS Components (RS), the trading brand of Electrocomponents, a distributor for engineers, has updated its popular Electronics Workbench web page to reflect the latest innovative products and support for electronics design engineers. The page – which has evolved in to the ‘go to’ portal for engineers designing circuit boards, working in PCB manufacturing, or carrying out electronics test and measurement – features relevant DesignSpark articles and discussions, best-practice advice from industry leaders and the very latest products, equipment and innovations.
Of particular interest is the Tektronix TBS2000, a fully integrated teaching oscilloscope, which comes with a number of features that make it ideally suited to electronics education. Being ‘coursework enabled’, electronics educators can upload laboratory materials and exercises they have previously prepared using resources on the Tektronix online resource centre.
Recent additions also include newly released WT Line Soldering Sets from Weller, which as well as including the new WT line single-channel power units, giving users a series of intuitive functions designed to help them solder more efficiently and improve productivity, also include the new WTP90 soldering iron, the first active system-line pencil with exchangeable high-performance passive soldering tips.
Those requiring conductive epoxies, conformal coatings, conductive greases and potting and encapsulating epoxies won’t have to look far either, with the updated page highlighting a number of new additions from MG Chemicals, including 846 Carbon conductive grease and its popular 847 Carbon Conductive Assembly paste.
Another new addition to the page is a section dedicated to methods for preventing electrostatic discharge. Created with input from Vermason – widely regarded as experts in the field of ESD management – this section offers a series of focus articles covering the basic principles of ESD and detailed information on which products can be deployed to prevent ESD build-up.
Thorough product design and testing are essential to help ensure the success of a product in the wider market, so engineers need to ensure they have access to the very latest tools and services to make these processes as effective as possible. The Electronics Workbench has been designed by RS, in cooperation with leading suppliers, to deliver the education, services and products that engineers need to fulfil their roles to the best of their capabilities. With new products, services, support and discussions being added every day, it is the one page that electronics engineers need to bookmark.