ROHM double-layer capacitors feature industry-leading voltage and resistance



ROHM Semiconductor has recently announced the development of thin, high-output Electric Double Layer Capacitors (EDLCs) featuring the industry's highest voltage (3.0V). In addition, by reducing various resistance factors an internal resistance of only 25m? (at 0.7F) was achieved. In an effort to strengthen its sensor networks ROHM has developed EDLCs, which are expected to serve as auxiliary power supplies. Compared to conventional capacitors, EDLCs provide higher output and larger capacitances in a compact size, and are attracting attention for use as backup power supplies for memory and microcontrollers in control devices such as smart meters and as auxiliary power supplies for flash in digital cameras and camcorders. The demand for high voltage EDLCs is anticipated to increase as mounting space becomes smaller. Through optimized material selection and proprietary processes, ROHM was able to successfully achieve the industry's highest voltage. In addition, an internal resistance of 25m? was made possible by devising a surface treatment for the collector electrode that reduced the interfacial resistance (a primary resistance factor) to zero. The result is higher voltage with less resistance, making them ideal for a wide variety of applications. A thin aluminum laminate package is used for higher output while also contributing to end-product miniaturization. Future developments will include peripheral circuits such as LED flash modules that incorporate LED elements and EDLCs by combining IC, LED, and module technologies. ROHM will also continue to increase capacitances to meet the growing needs for energy storage devices in the automotive and industrial equipment sectors. ROHM Semiconductor