RFEL makes finalist in Electra 2012 awards



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RFEL, who specialize in high-performance electronic signal processing, is a finalist in this year's Elektra Awards in the Embedded System Product of the Year. Its HyperSpeed Plus core offers unprecedented performance for FFTs on an FPGA. Dr Alex Kuhrt, RFEL's CEO, said, "So much of the work that we do has to remain secret because it is for military and government departments around the world. Even our commercial work for companies usually has strict NDAs because we are delivering answers that provide significant commercial advantages. It is therefore tremendous to have our design work recognized by our peers in the Electronics Industry. Winning the Queen's Award for Innovation this year for the second time gave us a tremendous boost and I am sure that being shortlisted for an Elektra Award will have a similar effect."

The HyperSpeed Plus core processes complex data streams in continuous real-time data rates in excess of 52 Gsps for a 2048 point FFT implemented on a Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA device. The new core is the result of further fundamental optimization of RFEL's well established Hyper-range of FFT cores. The cores are intended for use in applications where extreme processing is required within minimum silicon resources, such as wideband surveillance and scientific or test instrumentation. When coupled with the latest ADCs, the HyperSpeed FFT is the ultimate real-time spectrum analyzer, capable of analyzing tens of GHz of bandwidth continuously in real-time. Elektra 2012 Europpean Electronics Industry Awards RFEL