"Behavioral" programs have been used in many different capacities in program portfolios, including as a stand-alone offering, as part of marketing and outreach programs, and as a component of multi-pronged efforts. During this webinar, Anne Dougherty from ILLUME, an expert in behavioral research and program evaluation, will assess the role of behavioral programs in portfolios, examine the planning challenges associated with these programs, and explore how behavioral programs and behavior-change elements are being incorporated into program portfolios.
Specifically, this webinar will focus on the following considerations that have to be addressed when planning for behavior-based energy efficiency programs:
What weight should behavioral programs be given relative to installed measures?
Should behavioral programs be used drive cross-program participation? If so, how do we do this without penalizing programs for their success?
How can we better account for joint effects?
Are there ways to attribute benefits more fairly between programs?
What should be considered when implementing more than one behavioral strategy at a time?
This webinar is being hosted jointly by SEE Action and ACEEE.
Who should attend:
Staff from state energy offices, public utility commissions, energy efficiency program administrators, utilities, and others interested in behavior-based energy efficiency programs.