PSMA Awards Contract to LTEC for 3-D Power Packaging Phase 2 Survey



The Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) has awarded a contract to LTEC Corporation for a Special Project titled, “Current Developments in 3-D Power Packaging with Focus on Embedded Substrate Technologies.” The work is being sponsored and overseen by the PSMA Packaging Committee as a follow-on to a Phase 1 study of technology trends and applications of 3-D packaging for power supplies.

Brian Narveson, co-chair of the PSMA Power Electronics Packaging Committee, explains, “Power supply designers and manufacturers have always been constrained by end-user demands that their products take up minimal space. After completion of the broad technology review in Phase 1 of the study issued in early 2014, the results indicated that the most imminent emerging technology that will further increase power density is the embedding of components (both active and passive) in substrates (PCB, ceramic, ferrite, etc.). Therefore this Phase 2 of the Special Project will focus on embedded substrate technology with a fundamental focus on providing information that will be valuable to companies manufacturing space-efficient power supplies.”

The research team is led by LTEC Corporation with the support of Anagenesis, Inc. of El Segundo, CA, and Fraunhofer Institute of Reliability and Micro-Integration (IZM) in Munich, Germany. The team will conduct a comprehensive survey involving in-depth interviews with major players in the industry, as well as reviews of industry and academic reports and literature. The results will be subject to detailed analyses and assessments by the research team with a full report to be published by PSMA in early 2015.

Yuji Kakizaki, LTEC Executive V.P., stated, “We are honored that the PSMA has selected LTEC Corporation to conduct this study. The required effort needed for this project fits perfectly with LTEC’s intellectual property services capabilities of analyzing large volumes of published materials, searching our large global patent libraries and providing concise technical conclusions. This will enable us to capture detailed structure photos and analysis, which LTEC will includes on a regular basis, to use in our PSMA product teardown and in-depth, customized reports."


Power Sources Manufacturers Association