PSMA announces APEC 2015 session on transportation power electronics



The Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA) Transportation Power Electronics Committee is sponsoring an Industry Session at APEC 2015 titled, “Transportation Power Electronics: Vehicles, Chargers, Components and Markets.” The session will take place on Tuesday morning, March 17, 2015, at the Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, North Carolina.

Featured are seven invited experts from industry and from government research laboratories who will provide attendees with insights into issues related to transportation power electronics that are necessary to meet the cost and performance needs of electric drive vehicles.

The increasing transportation power electronics content not only on automobiles, but also on aircraft and industrial vehicles, represent a large growing market for our industry. Presenters from EPRI, Argonne National Labs, Penn State University, Ford, John Deere, Yole Developpement, Department of Energy and Synthesis Partners will focus on the new and evolving technologies shaping the transportation market.

PSMA Transportation Power Electronics