Larry Thomas, CEO and President of Primet Precision Materials, will speak at The Battery Show at 2 p.m. on November 13 in Detroit, Mich., about the need for more advanced battery power in the military and defense realm. The Battery Show is the premier showcase of the latest advanced battery technology and some of the leading scientists, engineers, buyers, and senior executives in the field attend the conference. "By creating more efficient batteries we can reduce the weight of the packs soldiers carry in the field substantially," said Mr. Thomas. "Primet's ground-breaking technology is integral to increase soldiers' efficiency in combat." Mr. Thomas will discuss the critical role of batteries to the mobility and lethality of today's soldiers as electronic devices are continually added to the mission package. The most common injuries for troops returning from deployment are musculoskeletal problems from carrying the weight of those packages into the field, which can include up to 40 pounds of batteries per soldier. The Department of Defense must also reduce fuel consumption in the field. Plans include deploying hybrid and electric vehicles, and designing systems that allow forward operating bases to generate and store their own power. DOD transports 600 million gallons of fuel in theater in Iraq and Afghanistan per year, and these convoys are frequent targets for attacks (over 1,000 per year, resulting in 3,000 casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2003 - 2010). Primet's patented NanoScission process technology can help solve these problems by accelerating new materials from the laboratory to industrial-scale manufacturing so advanced technologies can be deployed sooner. In 2010, Primet was granted two R&D contracts with the US Department of Defense. These programs gave the company the resources needed to develop and demonstrate Primet's technology on a wide range of next-generation materials for lithium-ion batteries. Mr. Thomas will join more than 50 presenters from companies all over the country, opening a discussion of how the global future of battery power may look. The Battery Show will provide a venue for talks on the latest advanced battery solutions for electric and hybrid vehicles, utility and renewable energy support, portable electronics, medical technology, military and telecommunications. Primet Precision Materials