MISO’s newest region, South, joined the footprint on December 19, 2013. Three of the biggest drivers of price volatility in the region have been congestion on the ORCA 1 interface, Addis-Tiger congestion, and Grimes transformer congestion. Genscape has done a detailed examination of the drivers of this congestion and will discuss this analysis in detail at the Gulf Coast Power Association (GCPA) Special Briefing Summit on February 6 and during a complimentary webinar on February 19.
The GCPA Special Briefing session, “MISO Integration after the First 60 Days,” takes places at 10:30am ET on February 6. The panelists, including Lauren Seliga, Genscape’s regional director for MISO, will explore the issues now that the Entergy Region has entered the operations phase of being in MISO. Panelists will explain what has happened, how it compares to what was anticipated and what, if any, changes have been made.
On February 19 at 2pm ET, Seliga will conduct a complimentary webinar to discuss what the market has learned since the integration and its future implications. Seliga will share insights into the challenges in trading this new region, an analysis of what the major price drivers in the south region have been and expectations for the future, and an in-depth look at the recent strength in load and what this may mean for the summer in terms of load, pricing, and congestion. Registration for the upcoming webinar, “Analysis of The First Days of MISO Integration,” is available at http://.
The data presented by Ms. Seliga during the GCPA workshop and the Genscape webinar is available through Genscape’s Power IQ service, which provides fundamental data, commentary, and price forecasts for traders, analyst, and risk managers active in real-time, next-day, balance-of-month and next-month markets.