Power Modules with Additional Low Inductive Current Path



Parasitic inductances are a major problem with power modules, in particular in fast switching applications. The parasitic inductance of the component interconnections causes an overvoltage condition and increases the switch-off losses in the semiconductor. Many initiatives have been investigated to reduce the parasitic inductance in power modules utilizing a complex mechanical construction of overlapping internal bus bars forming the DC path. The first results of the new idea to separate the current paths into a static low resistive screw contact and in a transient low inductive PCB-based connection are promising. The limit for reduction of stray inductance is not yet reached. The new solution is a new milestone for low inductive high power module technology. The 2nH target turns from an imaginary target into a realistic one and it opens the field for new fast high power module topologies. Vincotech's article about "Power Modules with Additional Low Inductive Current Path" outlines a concept using today's standard power module construction but providing an additional ultra low inductive path for the transient current. For more information please see: www.vincotech.com/news/articles/power-module-with-additional-low-inductive-current-path.html?campaign_id=Add-Low-inductance About Vincotech: Vincotech, an independent operating unit within Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, is a market leader in power modules in development and manufacturing of high-quality electronic power components for Motion Control, and Renewable Energy applications. With some 500 employees worldwide, backed by vast experience and a long history in electronics integration, Vincotech leverages these assets to help customers attain maximum market success. For more information please see: www.vincotech.com