The new online platform is a joint project between power electronics manufacturers LEM, Mersen, Proton-Electrotex, SEMIKRON, Sindopower, TDK Epcos, and Weidmüller. The communications platform focuses on the needs of engineers working in the power electronics field. On the website, experts can find both the fundamental principles of power electronics and also detailed technical information. "PowerGuru is unique. Whereas other websites provide information about a wide range of electronics sectors, PowerGuru specialises exclusively in this field", explains Donald Dahl, PowerGuru spokesperson. "The platform's target audience consists of electronics companies, engineers and students of power electronics", says Dahl. Another objective is to equip students with power electronics knowledge and to give them a deeper insight into the subject matter. "We aim to become knowledge leaders in the field of power electronics and to be the most frequented platform in the power electronics sector", stresses Dahl. PowerGuru is currently based on texts about partner products such as IGBTs, thyristors, diodes, sensors, capacitors, varistors, terminals and fuses, texts on design, and texts on the fundamentals of power electronics. Further articles on the applications of bridge rectifiers, induction, industrial drivers, lifts, UPS automotive or on the use of power electronics components in solar plants and wind parks will be added at a later date. All articles published on the site will also be archived. Interested companies will be invited to submit press releases and technical articles on their products and their business in general to be published on PowerGuru. Experts will also be invited to submit articles for publication. Along with the article, PowerGuru can also publish the author's name and a short biography, on request. Visitors to the site will also be able to comment on and rate the entries. Frequently read articles will be recognised and presented with an award. There will also be a technical chat forum which will allow experts to ask questions on technical problems. The Question&Answer area is the website's discussion forum and is accessible to all visitors. Another element is the jobs exchange. Companies are invited to publish job advertisements on the homepage. "We will also establish a premium power electronics jobs exchange for companies and applicants", explains Dahl. In addition, a newsletter will also be launched in the near future providing information about different aspects of the power electronics sector. About PowerGuru ( is a joint communications platform provided by LEM, Mersen, Proton-Electrotex, SEMIKRON, Sindopower, TDK Epcos, and Weidmüller. The website focuses on the needs of engineers working in the power electronics field. Currently PowerGuru is based on texts about partner products such as IGBTs, thyristors, diodes, sensors, capacitors, varistors, terminals and fuses, texts on design and texts on the fundamentals of power electronics. Further articles on the applications of bridge rectifiers, induction, industrial drivers, lifts, UPS automotive or on the use of power electronics components in solar plants and wind parks will be added at a later date. All articles published on the site will also be archived. In addition, press releases on products and general information about power electronics companies will also be published.