Plug-and-Play Gate Drivers Suit Press-Pack IGBT Modules


Flexible, robust, reliable; rated for 4500 V modules

Power Integrations introduced the 1SP0351SCALE-2 single-channel, +15/-10 V, plug-and-play gate-driver, developed specifically for new 4500 V press-pack IGBT (PPI) modules from manufacturers such as Toshiba, Westcode and ABB. Based on Power Integrations’ widely used SCALE-2 chipset, the new gate-drivers are perfectly suited for high-reliability applications such as HVDC VSC, STATCOM/FACTS and medium-voltage drives.

The 1SP0351 drivers are equipped with Dynamic Advanced Active Clamping (DAAC), short-circuit protection, a built in DC-DC converter, regulated turn-on gate-drive voltage, DC-DC overload monitoring and supply-voltage monitoring. Active Miller Clamping is also included. The SCALE-2 ASIC chipset uses sophisticated digital control techniques to reduce component count by as much as 85% compared with conventional solutions, significantly increasing reliability.

Designed for ease of use, 1SP0351 drivers feature plug-and-play capability, which facilitates commissioning and allows immediate operation after installation. The inclusion of a simple two-pin power plug also simplifies operation, and conformal coating increases product ruggedness and reliability.

The new 1SP0351SCALE-2 gate drivers meet creepage and clearance specifications according to IEC standards (IEC 61800-5-1). They are available now priced at $214.20 in 1,000-piece quantities. More information is available from the Power Integrations website at