Peratech presented with Queen's Award for Innovation 2012 for its QTC touch technology



Click image to enlarge: David Lussey, Peratech CTO (right) with HM Lord-Lieutenant of North Yorkshire

Peratech, the innovator in touch technology, was presented with the 2012 Queen's Award for Enterprise in the Innovation category for its multi-award winning, QTC (quantum tunneling composites) technology by HM Lord-Lieutenant of North Yorkshire, James Dugdale on behalf of Her Majesty, The Queen. The ceremony took place at Peratech's offices in North Yorkshire. QTCs form an entire area of Material Science that was discovered by Peratech's founder and CTO, David Lussey. Protected by numerous worldwide patents, it has a wide range of applications from robotics to automotive and from touch screens to consumer electrical products and has sales worth millions of pounds to companies around the world. The Queen's Award for Enterprise is the UK's most prestigious Award for business performance and recognises and rewards outstanding achievement by UK companies. The Innovation category is for continuous innovation and development, sustained over not less than five years to levels that are outstanding for the size of a company's operations. Peratech