The Call for Papers PCIM Europe 2012 is now open. The deadline for abstract submissions (previously unpublished presentations only) is 14 October 2011. The event is Europe's number one meeting place for all fields of Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion and Power Quality/Energy Management. Lectures deliver highest application know-how from industry and science The topics cover, amongst others, recent developments in power semiconductors, passive components, products for thermal management, new materials and their application as well as power quality, smart grids and energy management. Proposals will be considered for conference lectures or posters. The successful papers will be selected by the Advisory Board which comprises international experts from industry and academia supported by the overall Conference Director Prof. Leo Lorenz. All accepted papers will be included in the official PCIM proceedings CD and the IET Inspec database. Best Paper and Young Engineer Award Out of all submissions the board of directors select the nominations for the PCIM Europe Awards. The winner of the Best Paper Award will receive 1,000 Euro and the participation at PCIM Asia Conference in Shanghai including flights and accommodation. For outstanding contributions from young authors not older than 35, three "Young Engineer Awards" of 1,000 Euros each will be granted. The prizes will be awarded at the PCIM Europe 2012 Conference Opening Ceremony. For further details about the Call for Papers go to: . The conference language is English.