Oak Ridge National Laboratory joins PEIC



The Power Electronics Industry Collaborative (PEIC – pronounced peak) announced that Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has joined its growing list of members working together to accelerate innovation and advocate for investment in new power electronics technologies.

“We are excited to be joining PEIC as our respective goals are well aligned especially towards the development and commercialization of next generation high performance power electronics,” stated Laura Marlino, ORNL’s Director of Vehicle Electrification Partnerships. “The availability of more compact, energy efficient components is critical to our progress in electric vehicle charging and traction drive systems.”

ORNL has been instrumental in supporting EV Everywhere, one of a series of Clean Energy Grand Challenges funded by the U.S. Department of Energy that set national goals to improve U.S. energy security and ensure environmental sustainability. EV Everywhere aims to make plug-in electric vehicles as affordable to own and operate as today’s gas powered cars.

“ORNL gave an impressive presentation at PEIC’s open member meeting in November of 2014 and I am pleased that they have now formally joined our organization,” said Keith Evans, President of PEIC. “This prestigious national lab has played a major leadership role in the United States for many years to further engineering and testing of power electronics, especially for clean transportation applications. ORNL’s important new center of excellence in 3D printing will be of great assistance to our members in collectively leveraging the great potential synergies between 3D printing and power electronics.”

PEIC is open to any industry-related organization interested in participating. Power electronics are fundamental, basic building blocks for a myriad of applications including, clean energy such as solar PV, LED lighting, and electric vehicle powertrain inverters. 

Power Electronics Industry Collaborative