Amantys Power Electronics Limited has launched a fully configurable version of it’s 3300V gate drive. The 3300V gate drive contains Amantys’ Power Insight technology that enables two way communications between the gate drive and a central controller for configuring the gate drive and communicating fault information.
The 3300V gate drive is designed to comply with international standardsfor railway applications and motor drives such as EN 50155 for railway applications and IEC 61800-5-1 for variable speed drives.
Supported by Amantys’ Power Insight Adapter and Power Insight Configurator software tool, the power stack designer can optimise the settings of gate resistors, gate-emitter capacitor, fault detection thresholds and timings (eg: fault lockout times and dead times) without removing the gate drives from the power stack. This enables rapid testing and optimisation of the power stack.
The robust design can operate over -40ºC to +85ºC and has protection features for short circuit faults, collector-emitter over voltage and gate drive power supply failure. The gate drive stores fault counter information on board the gate drive which can be downloaded at a later date for fault diagnosis. The gate drive also provides LED indication for operational status and faults.
The 3300V gate drive will be used in applications such as traction converters, HVDC infrastructure, wind energy and medium voltage converters.