Central Semiconductor, a preferred manufacturer of innovative discrete semiconductors introduces a new portfolio of 200 volt surface mount Schottky rectifiers designed for high voltage applications traditionally fulfilled by inefficient standard rectifier products. This new extended range of devices includes: CMSH1-200HE (1A, 200V, SMA), CMSH3- 200MHV (3A, 200V, SMB), CMSH5-200HV (5A, 200V, SMC), and a bridge rectifier CBRHDSH1-200 (1A, 200V, HD DIP). Electrically these devices are extremely energy efficient as a result of low reverse leakage losses and very low forward voltage drops. Applications for this portfolio include power management, Power over Ethernet line rectification, DC-DC conversion, and Solid State Lighting (SSL). Additionally, the SMA, SMB, SMC, and HD DIP surface mount packages feature small footprints and low profiles helping engineers solve the most space constrained designs. Pricing starts at US$0.20, US$0.30, US$0.40, US$0.44 each for the CMSH1-200HE, CMSH3-200MHV, CMSH5-200HV, CBRHDSH1-200, respectively for full reel quantities. Samples are available upon request. www.centralsemi.com