National Instruments chooses Danisense current transducers


NI has selected Danisense products as its preferred current measurement sensor family for use with its RM-26999 4-channel power measurements conditioner.

The Danisense DS50UB-10V, DS200UB-10V, DS600UB-10V and DS2000UB-10V current transducers features high accuracy, high bandwidth and low phase shift which are key requirements for accurate power measurement.


National Instruments’ RM-26999 is a rack-mounted, signal conditioning device that connects to simultaneous-sampling multifunction I/O devices for power measurements. It features four voltage input channels with peak voltages up to 2,000 V and four current transducer ports for current measurements. The current transducer ports are optimized for flux-gate transducers by providing all the power, communication, and signal lines required for accurate measurements. The RM-26999 can be used with the modular PXI platform, allowing test engineers to synchronize mixed measurements with their power analysis in one unified system. Engineers can use NI’s RM-26999 Getting Started Guide to select the correct components, safely connect hardware, install the necessary software, and acquire the first measurements in a power measurements system.


“The RM-26999 was designed with Danisense sensors in mind,” according to Sam Burhans, the RM-26999’s Product Manager. “This device measures voltage up to +/-2,000 V directly, and measures indirect current up to +/-2000A thanks to the stable, isolated, and accurate Danisense current transducers. We designed the systems for quick connectivity - only a single cable is necessary to connect the RM-26999 to the Danisense transducer.” NI currently offers four models of Danisense’s isolated current transducers with voltage output. The models offered have measurement ranges of +/- 50A, +/- 200A, +/-600A, and +/-2000A and require a power supply, digital communication, and output signal lines.