Mouser Now Stocking Microchip’s Ultra-Low-Power DSC6000 Family of MEMS Oscillators



MEMS oscillators, available from Mouser Electronics

Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest semiconductors and electronic components, is now stocking the DSC6000 family of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) oscillators from Microchip Technology. The ultra-small, ultra-low-power oscillators reduce footprint by up to 75 percent and consume up to 50 percent less power than comparable quartz oscillators.

Microchip’s DSC6000 MEMS oscillators, available from Mouser Electronics, are the industry’s smallest MEMS MHz oscillators with the lowest power consumption over full frequency range of 2 kHz to 100 MHz. The single-output DSC60xx and DSC61xx MEMS oscillators feature an ultra-low standby power consumption of just 12 µA. In active mode, the DSC60xx devices consume as little as 1.3 mA, and the DSC61xx devices typically consume 3.0 mA. The devices offer high stability of ±25 ppm or ±50 ppm over the industrial temperature range of minus 40 to 85 degrees Celsius.

The DSC6000 family of MEMS oscillators is suitable for use as clock references in small, battery-powered solutions that require small size, low power consumption, and long-term reliability, such as wearables and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The AEC-Q100-qualified devices are also ideal for automotive applications, such as rearview cameras and infotainment systems.

Mouser Electronics