Mouser Electronics has launched its new technology site featuring electronics for harsh environments. The new site contains technical information that aids design engineers in developing and designing new products that meet the most rigorous operating conditions. While most electronic components are primarily designed for stable, controlled environments, a real world often dictates extreme conditions. For example, the high temperature of down-hole applications is a huge challenge to electronic components. Temperatures upwards of 200°C are not uncommon and even exceed the melting point of some solders. Driven by the endless quest for natural resources and energy, it's an area that exemplifies continual advancement and remains a key focus for down-hole engineers worldwide. Other areas covered are the IP Code (IEC 60529) and NEMA Type Number (NEMA 250). These ratings designate the various types and degrees of protection afforded to electrical equipment by a housing or enclosure against water, dust, and corrosive agents. In addition, the site provides extra resources to help spearhead design development such as in-depth industry articles, white papers and a comprehensive library of technical resources that can be reviewed by topic or supplier. A Featured Products Guide and user-friendly graphical interface are designed to speed navigation. Engineers can quickly find products and information based on defined parameters and design requirements. Kevin Hess, Mouser VP of Technical Marketing, adds, "The rationale behind our Technology sites is to educate, help narrow the list of products, and find the right products for their design projects. Applications that fall in the Harsh Environments category, especially down-hole, require robust, reliable components capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, intense vibration, water, and more. Our goal is to help transform knowledge into design know-how - all with the simple click of a mouse." With its broad product line and unsurpassed customer service, Mouser caters to design engineers and buyers by delivering What's Next in advanced technologies. Mouser offers customers 19 global support locations and stocks the world's widest selection of the latest semiconductors and electronic components for the newest design projects. Mouser Harsh Environments