Microchip simplifies global Smart Meter interoperability with DLMS User Association certified stack for PIC® Microcontrollers



Microchip announces that it has partnered with Kalki Communication Technologies Ltd. (Kalkitech) to provide a Device Language Message Specification (DLMS) protocol stack that is optimised for 16-bit PIC® microcontrollers (MCUs). The DLMS protocol has become the worldwide standard among smart meter designers for interoperability among metering systems for different types of energy such as electricity, gas, heat and water; in residential, transmission and distribution applications; and over a wide range of communication methods such as RS232, RS485, PSTN, GSM, GPRS, IPv4, PPP and PLC; as well as for secure data access via AES 128 encryption. To make the DLMS certification process faster and easier, the software stack has been tested and verified by the DLMS User Association and is customised to operate on all of Microchip's 16-bit PIC® microcontrollers and dsPIC® Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs). Additionally, the stack has been developed to ensure seamless integration with Microchip's communication protocol stacks, including TCP/IP, ZigBee® and PLC, to cover a broad spectrum of smart energy applications. The small memory footprint enables the use of the most compact and cost-effective MCUs. For European applications, the stack provides support for the IEC 62056-21 Mode E implementation. The Explorer 16 Development Board can be used to develop DLMS solutions using Microchip's vast portfolio of industry-leading 16-bit MCUs and DSCs. This new DLMS stack is available today, in four versions: The free DLMS Evaluation Library for 16-bit MCUs; the DLMS-lite Stack for 16-bit MCUs (SW500160); the DLMS Stack for 16-bit MCUs (SW500162); and the DLMS Explorer (SW500164) Windows® based DLMS/COSEM client application. For more information, visit Microchip's Web site at www.microchip.com/get/93G2.