Detection Technology unveiled the industry's first off-the-shelf detector subsystem for security CT (computed tomography) applications. The plug-and-play-type subsystem, branded as Aurora CT, includes ready-made, multislice detector boards and a data acquisition system (DAS). Aurora CT speeds up time-to-market and decreases total costs of X-ray imaging systems that meet the most stringent security equipment standards in aviation, such as ECAC EDSCB C3, ECAC EDS Standard 3.1, and TSA AT-2 TIER II.
"We have a comprehensive track record as the most trusted provider of customized detector solutions for security CT applications, and now we are positioning ourselves as the first in the industry to offer standard solutions for this high-tier segment. We have identified an increasing demand for off-the-shelf CT detector solutions, which enable rapid and cost-efficient system development, yet meet the latest regulations and standards in every detail," says Tomi Fält, Manager of Product Management at Security and Industrial Business Unit.
"Security CT systems offer plenty of features to enhance aviation safety and passenger experience. Our Aurora-branded multislice X-ray detectors and control unit provide accurate data for 3D CT imaging systems that detect the contents of bags without the need to remove electronics or liquids from the bags. In Aurora CT design, we have also paid attention to planned next-generation standards, and have ensured that the design is futureproofed."
The 3-sided tileable detector modules easily scale from 16-slice up to 64-slice system configurations to cover a wide range of set-ups, from entry-level checkpoint carry-on baggage scanners to large hold baggage CT scanners. In addition, air cargo and other critical logistics applications can be boosted with the Aurora CT subsystem. The modules are available in flexible single-energy constructions, which also support dual-energy configurations. The high integration level of detector modules improves mechanical robustness and imaging performance. The whole detector system withstands G-forces of rotating CT systems up to 20 G. Furthermore, the design selections ensure very high radiation hardness for long product lifetime.
Aurora CT comes with sparse and full pixel matrix options. The detector matrix is built on individual low-noise BSI (backside-illuminated) photodiodes for ultra-low crosstalk and low noise to meet high spatial resolution and penetration performance requirements. The scintillator matrix has high light output, and is practically afterglow-free to ensure high image quality without artifacts at fast scanning speeds.
The Aurora CT detector subsystem includes X-DCB (data combiner board) as an essential part of the DAS. Precise synchronization with a rotating gantry can be implemented with flexible encoder interface. Aurora CT features an optical, high-speed datalink from the data acquisition system to a host computer. This is a proven solution for system integration with the data transmission over rotating slip ring. Aurora CT detectors and X-DCB support remote firmware updates for smooth system development and possible adaptation to new requirements. In addition, various development and diagnostics functions are included to confirm the status and monitor health of the detector system.
A software library is available to support rapid integration of the inspection system. Furthermore, Detection Technology provides global support to facilitate and accelerate the system design phase and detector integration. The Aurora CT subsystem is available for volume shipments, and inquiries about the development kit can directed to the company.
For more information, visit Detection Technology.