IAR Systems, a leading supplier of development tools for embedded systems, announced that the build chain of the tool suite IAR Embedded Workbench® for ARM® has been certified by TÃV SÃD as a qualified tool for development of safety-related applications. In conjunction, IAR Systems also announced the availability of a special support agreement for customers working with safety-critical development. IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM has been tested and approved according to the requirements on support tools put forth in International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61508, the international umbrella standard for functional safety, as well as International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 26262, which is used for automotive safety-related systems. IEC 61508, and standards derived from it, is used within all kinds of industries with requirements on reliability and safety, for example process industries, the oil and gas industry, nuclear power plants, machinery, and railway control systems. The assessment has covered the relevant parts of IAR Systems' development processes, as well as the safety-related customer documentation and the customer support. The quality assurance measures applied by IAR Systems and the included Safety Manual allow customers to use IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM in safety-related software development for each Safety Integrity Level (SIL) according to IEC 61508 and each Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) of ISO 26262 without further tool qualification. "Since the number of embedded systems with functional safety requirements is growing and the safety standards require tools to be qualified, there is an increasing demand for pre-qualified development tools" comments Günter Greil, division manager Generic Safety Systems, TÃV SÃD Rail GmbH. "TÃV SÃD has performed an assessment on the build tool chain integrated in IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM, which proved that it is able to fulfill the certification requirements. The toolchain is suitable for use in safety-related development." "The certification is a true acknowledgment of the high quality of our products," says Stefan Skarin, CEO of IAR Systems. "Our solution builds on many years' experience in supporting customers in different industries developing safety-related functionality. By using our tools, companies can simplify their certification process, save time as well as money, and be sure their tools investment is protected through the entire product life cycle." The certified version is delivered with a functional safety certificate, as well as a safety report from TÃV SÃD and a Safety Manual. With the certified tool suite, IAR Systems provides a Functional Safety Support and Update Agreement with guaranteed support for the sold version for the longevity of the contract. In addition to prioritized technical support, the agreement includes access to validated service packs and regular reports of known deviations and problems. IAR Systems