HRH The Prince of Wales contributes to the energy debate (PSDtv)



In this episode of PSDtv recorded to celebrate the Energy Institute (EI)'s centenary, HRH The Prince of Wales HonFEI, contributes to the energy debate and speaks of the role of energy in the circular economy.

With the EI actively engaged in providing a platform for knowledge sharing, grounded on evidence-based science and free from bias, the Prince was keen to bring his own views to the energy debate.

He says, ‘The central argument [of the circular economy] is that all of the atoms and molecules that we require are already in existence. We just need them in different locations and different combinations. The challenge is to redesign the supply chain, develop innovative technologies and generate sufficient renewable energy to use and reuse those molecules, so that we have the closed loops we need as our population grows.’

The Prince recognises the environmental constraints, such as pollution and climate change, and identifies that we must find a way to operate within these parameters.

Ian Marchant FEI, President, Energy Institute, says, ‘Energy plays a part in everyday life and the development of a safe, sustainable and affordable energy system is crucial to our modern way of life. We all need to respond to the challenges that lay ahead with a clear understanding of the issues involved. I welcome His Royal Highness’ contribution to the debate and hope this will inspire others to become more active in advancing the solutions we need for the benefit to society as a whole.’

In his message, the Prince remarks on the values of the EI and its importance of delivering professionalism and good practice, particularly in climate change, resource scarcity and a global energy transition. He congratulates the EI and its members in the part they have played in the development of the energy industry and hopes they will continue to drive further innovations to shape the future.

As part of the EI’s centenary celebrations, the EI was pleased to present HRH The Prince of Wales with a Honorary Fellowship in recognition of his significant contribution to the promotion of sustainable living for more than 40 years. He joins his father, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, and 70 other eminent professionals from across industry, government and academia.

The Energy Institute