To help US manufacturers navigate the regulatory requirements, SGS, the global leader in chemical testing and certification services, and ENVIRON, manager of the industry-led materials declarations web database service, will host a free EU RoHS2 compliance seminar on October 14 in Fort Worth, Texas and have arranged for UK RoHS2 Regulator Chris Smith to provide a presentation on "RoHS2 Compliance and Enforcement". Chris Smith is the Technical and Operational Manager for the UK National Measurement Office (NMO) Enforcement Directorate. Smith works closely with industry, government and other bodies across Europe to ensure there is an effective enforcement regime and improved consistency in scope interpretation for the RoHS2, Batteries, Energy Labeling and Ecodesign Directives. RoHS 2 Compliance Seminar - Agenda Attendees will hear Smith explain the new EU legislative framework, RoHS2 scope, CE marking and Technical Documentation requirements, and why the business penalties for non-compliance are now much higher. SGS and ENVIRON will then highlight the business benefits of their new RoHS Compliance Assessment Service Using BOMcheck. The new service uses the EN 50581 European Standard and enables clients to comply with the RoHS2 regulatory requirements for Technical Documentation and CE Declaration of Conformity to achieve market access in a cost effective manner. Why Comply with RoHS 2? In December 2012 the EN 50581 European Standard was officially endorsed by the European Commission as an approved method for compliance with RoHS2 Technical Documentation requirements. Although EN 50581 is a voluntary standard, most companies choose to follow this approved method. Chris Smith's presentation will confirm that RoHS2 regulators expect companies who chose not to use EN 50581 to demonstrate that their Technical Documentation is at least as robust. The seminar will be held at the Fort Worth Convention Center, Texas and will be collocated with the SMTA International Conference and the IPC Fall Standards Development Meetings. The seminar will start at 4.00pm Central Time on Monday 14 October and will conclude with a cocktail reception where attendees will be able to discuss their detailed questions with Chris, SGS and ENVIRON. Free Attendance - Register Now The seminar is free-of-charge but you must register to attend. Delegates who are already registered to the SMTA International Conference and/or the IPC Fall Standards Development Meetings are particularly welcome to attend. SGS