Energy Solutions Forum November research and event roundup



Last month brought a wide range of activity, from the first state-based emergency fuel reserve, to California Cap-and-Trade program expansion and the continued EPA authority debate. ESF Research examined the details and implications of the recent developments.

Select ESF Research from this month: 
-NY State Launches Strategic Gasoline Reserve - read more 
-Eight-State Coalition Announces ZEV Initiative - read more 
-EPA Reports U.S. Power Plant Emissions Decline - read more 
-California and Quebec Sign Cap-and-Trade Linkage Agreement - read more

Supreme Court to Determine EPA Authority over Standing Source Emissions 
On October 15, the U.S. Supreme Court decided to review whether the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s greenhouse gas regulations for motor vehicles should also result in regulations for stationary sources - read more.

ESF Calendar 
Featured Event: New York Society of Security Analysts' First Annual Global Infrastructure Conference 
Friday November 15, 8am - 5pm 
NYSSA Conference Center, 1540 Broadway

“The world needs to increase its investment in infrastructure by nearly 60 percent over the next 18 years,” according to a January 2013 report by McKinsey Global Institute. NYSSA’s First Annual Global Infrastructure Conference brings together leading analysts, portfolio managers, and experts to explore the investment opportunities in this vital sector of the global economy.

Who Should Attend 
Portfolio managers and research analysts at asset management firms, investment banks, hedge funds, mutual funds, and insurance companies; pension plan sponsors; potential participants on the issuance side; and service providers.

Energy Solutions Forum 
ESF event calendar