The Building Technologies Office (BTO) has awarded $6 million to fund projects that will:
Measure current residential energy code compliance rate using a methodology that provides statewide results with 90% reliability.
Implement an education, training, and outreach program designed to increase residential building energy code compliance.
Measure the post-program residential building energy code compliance rate using the same methodology employed in the pre-program study.
The projects will investigate whether investing in education, training, and outreach programs can produce a significant change in residential building code compliance rates. If these activities do produce significant change, non-government entities, particularly utilities, could be influenced to make substantial investments in similar programs.
The selectees, who will contribute a total of $1.2 million in cost share, are:
National Association of State Energy Officials (Arlington, VA)
Maryland Energy Administration (Annapolis, MD)
Appalachian State University (ASU) (Boone, NC)
Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (Chicago, IL)
Institute for Market Transformation (Washington, DC)
Performance Systems Development (Ithaca, NY)
Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (Atlanta, GA)