At the request of this year's speakers, the deadline of the Call for Papers for the embedded platforms conference has been extended. Topics may now be submitted until March 28, 2014. The conference is being held in conjunction with electronica in Munich on November 11 and 12.
Participants of the embedded platforms conference will get an overview of and insights into the ecosystems of modern embedded platforms. Speakers may make presentations on the following topics: cores and peripherals, 8-/16-bit controllers, 32-bit processors, DSP platforms, FPGAs, multicore chips, SoC approaches, security and safety, saving energy, testing, debugging, trace as well as porting and migration, RTOS and other OSs, initializing and booting, standardization, tool chains and ecosystems, obsolescence, simulation, emulation and modeling platforms. Both hardware and software specialists can participate. The conference language is English. Each lecture slot is 45 minutes long.
The deadline for the Call for Papers is March 28, 2014. Topic recommendations including information such as the title and subtitle, the author's biography and contact information, an abstract and a list of several key words can be sent to