DryCloud promises efficient extinguishing of Li-battery storage fires



Using especially a neutraliser and dry foam, Li-Ion batteries can be quickly extinguished

Li-ion batteries are quickly and harmlessly extinguished with DryCloud, as verified within the scope of the Bundeswirtschaftsprojekt (German Federal Economics Project). Li-ion batteries are quickly and harmlessly extinguished, with verification within the scope of the SPEISI national project for the use of stationary energy storage systems (ESS).

DryCloud is a development and patent belonging to Envites Energy, a medium-sized company from Nordhausen am Harztor. Using especially a neutraliser and dry foam, EV (electric vehicle) Li-Ion batteries for electric mobility can be quickly extinguished. Furthermore, possible hazardous substance emissions are neutralised and propagation, a feared subsequent reaction, can also be specifically suppressed. “The system is also environmentally friendly; it makes significant savings on resources and prevents the occurrence of environmental hazards” says Tim Schäfer from Envites Energy to nnz-online. “This is extremely important for lithium batteries due to their high fire loads, hazardous heat emissions, jet flames and massive, corrosive and re-ignitable smoke development,” he adds.

The DryCloud fire protection system is also ideal for stationary storage systems and other constructions. In particular, special and modular solutions are already available for storage and transportation. The fire protection system has been further developed and planned together with the Berlin extinguishing systems specialist engineer, Knopf. Many experts have already been convinced by the efficiency and performance ability of DryCloud, most recently representatives of the German Fire Service Association (Deutschen Feuerwehrverband) and the Berlin Fire Service (Berliner Feuerwehr).

DryCloud is a scalable system solution which fulfils high standards and certifications:

-It is a resource-efficient, fast-acting solution, (cost reductions in system and consumption (saves substantial amounts of water)! Hardly any discharge liquid, no entry into the ground water or wastewater system (cf. in Germany, Wasserhaushaltsgesetz (German Water Resources Act - WHG)
-Optionally available with use of a neutraliser against aggressive media (HF) or a cost-effective and fluorine-free, highly-efficient foaming extinguishing agent which is highly expansive (preferably 400:1 or 1000:1 foaming action). Extremely high penetration, cooling, covering, extinguishing effects, embedding of waste gases, heat or smoke etc.
-The system is certified, durable and is supported by a global market leader (components).
-Within an extremely short time, fire sites can be flooded and three-dimensional fires efficiently suppressed, with comparably high savings on water consumption, stockpiling and minimisation of damage, but in particular a hazard reduction for people, animals and the environment (in particular fire service personnel, emergency service personnel).
-It provides quick and prolonged control of temporarily burning fires with flammable substances, also at high temperatures. Conventional equipment with many years of deployment experience can be used.
It has a strong smothering effect, with cooling and exclusion of oxidising media (shielded by medium, embedded in the medium) high impact capability (can) strongly hinder or stop the propagation effect according to the current state of knowledge and the test results at the e-lab, ZSW Ulm.
-Low costs in comparison to lightweight foam, sprinklers, water, mist, protection gas and other conventional solutions.
-Low Capex and TCO rates.
-Protects our environment (through almost complete smoke binding and neutralisation, hardly any extinguishing wastewater).
-Constructional conversions to the building structure are not usually necessary (retrofittable).
-Mobile integration in vehicles or ships and ferries is possible.
-No pressure build-up is generated in the physical-chemical mode of action.
-Joint project: SPEISI – Safety and reliability of photovoltaic systems with storage systems under particular consideration of fire risks and extinguishing strategies

This project by the Germen Federal Ministry of Economics (Bundeswirtschaftsministerium) has the objective of investigating the safety of stationary storage systems for numerous different application purposes. In the process, possible weaknesses – for example, application rules, handling, installation and operation – are analysed. Further key points of the project are the investigation of handling storage systems in emergencies for emergency and rescue personnel, and the development of criteria for the determination of photovoltaic (PV) storage system performances. The objective of this work step is to analyse evaluation criteria which permit an assessment of performance behaviour with regard to the reliability of the systems in long-term operation. The verification was successfully implemented for the efficiency of DryCloud.

Battery Experts Forum 2017 by the Battery University

These results are currently still being presented to the wider public, as well as to the Battery Experts Forum 2017 of the Battery University. The forum has developed into one of the most important European branch meetings for battery manufacturers and their suppliers and customers. DryCloud in SPESI Project is also to be presented here as an efficient solution with the real test results within the scope of a lecture in the Safety Division.

Battery Experts Forum