Doosan Power Systems puts down roots in Serbia


Opens new Belgrade branch office

Nikola Tesla Unit 5

Doosan Power Systems, a lead supplier of products and services to the global power generation industry, has officially marked its commitment to the development of Serbia's power infrastructure with the opening of a new branch office in Belgrade. The move bolsters Doosan Power Systems' presence in East-Central Europe as well as bringing it closer to customers and partners in the increasingly important Serbian market. The expansion into Serbia comes on the back of the successful completion of the contract with EPS (ElektroprivredaSrbije) for the major rehabilitation of lignite-fired power plant Nikola Tesla Unit B1 and the major overhaul of Nikola Tesla Unit A5. Andy Hunt, MD, Global Service at Doosan Power Systems, said: "Our new dedicated presence in Belgrade clearly shows our commitment to supporting key customers such as EPS, as well as the overall growth of the Serbian power generation sector as a long-term, strategically important region for Doosan Power Systems." Doosan Power Systems' involvement in Serbia first dates back to 2004 when, against stiff international competition, the company was awarded the contract for rehabilitation of the boiler island on the lignite-fired power plant Nikola Tesla Unit A5. This successful project was characterised by strong collaboration between plant operator, TENT (Termoelektrane Nikola Tesla) Doosan Power Systems and local Serbian contractors, subsequently leading to a relationship resulting in repeat contracts for the refurbishment of other boiler units at the facility. This programme of upgrade and improvement has substantially increased capacity, efficiency and availability of the units at Nikola Tesla, and continues to provide excellent value for money for EPS. It has also given Doosan Power Systems an excellent understanding of the requirements of local power producers and resulted in strong relationships with the major Serbian contractors in the field, putting the company in an excellent position to further support the development of this growing sector. ElektroprivredaSrbije Doosan Power Systems