The Department of Energy (DOE) has published a Federal Register notice of proposed rulemaking 81FR52196 proposing new energy conservation standards for uninterruptible power supplies, a class of battery chargers and is holding a public meeting to receive comment on these proposed standards and associated analyses and results.
DOE will host a public meeting on Friday, September 16, 2016 from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm in DOE's Forrestal Building, Room 4A-104, 1000 Independence Ave, S.W., Washington, D.C.
DOE is also issuing a pre-publication notice of correction to change the public meeting date to September 16, 2016. The notice that published in the Federal Register today announces an incorrect public meeting date, which is being changed to accommodate a scheduling conflict amongst stakeholders.
To attend the public meeting, please notify the Appliance and Equipment Standards Staff at or (202) 586-6636.
Find information about how to comment on the rulemaking. The public comment period closes 60 days after the date of publication in the Federal Register.
All notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents associated with this rulemaking are included in Docket No. EERE-2016–BT–STD–0022.