Distributed-Power Open Standards Alliance (DOSA) Defines Thirty-Second Brick Isolated Converter



The Distributed-power Open Standards Alliance (DOSA), a global association dedicated to furthering compatibility and standardization in the DC-DC board mounted power conversion market, recently approved specification standards for the Isolated Thirty-Second Brick DC-DC Converter in a 19 millimeter (0.75 inch) by 23.35 millimeter (0.92 inch) format. "The 1/32nd brick standard was developed for distributed power applications where board space, efficiency and cost are critical concerns," said William Smith, Director of Marketing, Board Mounted Power Murata Power Solutions. "Each module will provide an isolated single output voltage from 12Vout down to less than 1Vout levels, enabling direct powering of load silicon integrated circuits such as ASICs and FPGAs. Maximum output current is not specified, allowing all DOSA suppliers to incorporate new technologies over time to increase power ratings. Initial demand for this new footprint is anticipated in telecom, datacom, and industrial applications." "Standards have helped lead the way for the successful implementation of digital power management," said Linnea Brush, senior research analyst, Darnell Group. "DOSA's new Isolated Thirty-Second Brick DC-DC Converter standard will continue to ensure multi-vendor compatibility of products." DOSA was founded in 2004, by Lineage Power and SynQor, to develop standards for DC-DC converters to ensure compatibility and facilitate second sourcing for customers. DOSA carries the mission of establishing standards over a broad range of power converter form factors, footprints, feature sets and functionality for both non-isolated point-of-load (POL) and isolated applications. About DOSA The Distributed-power Open Standards Alliance (DOSA) was formed to further future DC-DC product compatibility and standardization within the fragmented power converter market. Alliance members include founding members Lineage Power (now GE Energy) and SynQor as well as AcBel, Bel Power, CUI, Delta Electronics, Emerson Network Power, Ericsson Power Modules, FDK, Lucky Valley Technology, Murata Power Solutions, NetPower Technologies, Power-One, TDK-Lambda and Wall Industries. The goal of the alliance is to establish customer interface standards early in the development cycle, which include form factors, footprints, pin-outs, feature sets and other parameters that will facilitate alternative sourcing. The alliance covers a broad range of power converters including non-isolated (POL) and isolated applications. More information about DOSA is available at www.dosapower.com