DC/DC Converters Provide an I/O Isolation of 1600 VDC and a Wide 2:1 Input Voltage


The TRN Series is a new generation of ultra-compact 1 to 3 Watt, fully regulated and isolated DC/DC converters in SIP or SMD package.

An optimized efficiency and thermal management enables a package volume of only ~1 cm3. The high performance converters provide an I/O isolation of 1600 VDC and a wide 2:1 input voltage range. The low voltage input range is even extended from 4.5 to 13.2 VDC to cover the nominal voltages of 5, 9, and 12 VDC. The output voltage regulation is within 1.2 % of nominal set voltage over the entire input range and from 0 to 100% load, and minimum load is not required.

The outputs are permanently short-circuit proof. The converters reliably operate in environment temperature range of -40°C to 90°C with 1 Watt or up to 65°C with 3 Watt output power. Models are available with 4.5-13.2, 9-18, 18-36 and 36-75 VDC input voltage ranges and output voltages of 3.3, 5.0, 12, 15, 24, ±5.5, ±12 and ±15 VDC.
